Athletic Hall of Fame
Nominations for Bishop Watterson’s Athletic Hall of Fame
are due on January 1.
Click on the button for the nomination form.
2024 Athletic Hall of Fame
Jenny Bryant ’93
Softball 1990-1993
Basketball 1992-1993
Volleyball 1991-1992
Dave Cecutti ’73
Baseball 1970-1973
Basketball 1970-73
J.J. Koterba ’03
Baseball 2001-2003
Football 2000-2002
Camey Rabold ’12
Swimming 2008-2012
Jim Reed ’71
Basketball 1968-1971
Football 1968-1970
2023 Athletic Hall of Fame
Cody Calhoun ’14
Basketball, Football, Track
Chris Diaz ’11
Dennis Nisbet ’98
Baseball, Football
Kevin Ryan ’66
Football, Basketball, Track
Lynsey Warren ’04
Basketball, Volleyball
Barb Woods
Varsity Boys Tennis Coach 1993-2013
JV Girls Tennis Coach 1987-2003
2022 Athletic Hall of Fame
Dan Bjelac
Head Football Coach 2003-16
Offensive Coordinator 1989-02
Head Boys’ & Girls’ Track Coach 1994-02
Asst. Boys’ & Girls’ Track Coach 1989-93
Mike Boulware ’66
Football 1963-65
Football Coach
Kathy Bryant ’80
Track & Field 1978-80
Jeff Carroll ’03
Baseball 2000-03
Basketball 2001-03
Linda Davis Sell ’82
Track & Field 1979-82
Cross Country 1980-82
Francis Doyle ’62
Football 1958-61
Football Statistician 2006-18
Football Historian
“Mr. Watterson Football”
Jenny Middeler ’82
Basketball 1978-82
Volleyball 1978-81
Softball 1980-81
Angela Pagura DeSanto ’07
Field Hockey 2003-06
Track & Field 2004-07
Cross Country 2007
2020/2021 Athletic Hall of Fame
Chuck Egelhoff ’61 (Columbus, Ohio)
Basketball Official Timekeeper, Boys and Girls 1980 to present
Baseball 1958-61
Basketball 1959-60
Football 1960
Jeff Hill ’73 (Marietta, Ga.)
Football 1970-72
Jason Janoski ’82 (Columbus, Ohio)
Baseball 1980-82
Basketball 1982
Football 1980-81
Vince Lombardo (Dublin, Ohio)
Head Boys’ Basketball Coach 1993-present
Devon May ’03 (Social Circle, Ga.)
Football. 2000-02
Adrienne Ristas McAninch ’93 (Columbus, Ohio)
Softball 1990-93
Volleyball 1991-92
Basketball 1992
John Pucin ’84 (Gurnee, Ill.)
Tennis 1982-84
Golf 1982-83
2019 Athletic Hall of Fame
Matt Callahan ’88
Dublin, Ohio
Football 1984-1988
Basketball 1984-1988
Baseball 1984-1988
Sam Dixon ’75
Lincoln, Neb.
Basketball 1973-1975
Andrew Moses ’05
Lakewood, Ohio
Football 2002-2004
Basketball 2003-2005
Joanie O’Brien ’82
Columbus, Ohio
Field Hockey 1978
Basketball 1978-1982
Softball 1979
Track 1980
Tim Pond ’63
Columbus, Ohio
Baseball 1961-1963
Basketball 1961-1963
Head Coach, BWHS 1988 AAA state champion baseball team
Jack Poppe
“Mr. P”
Columbus, Ohio
Equipment Coordinator
2018 Athletic Hall of Fame
David Brown ’89
Scott A. Dockter ’85
Denny English ’92
Jason Homorody ’91
Doubles Tennis
Chuck Gleich
Head Coach Girls’ Volleyball
Asst. Coach Girls’ Volleyball
Head Coach Boys’ Volleyball
Steve Shoemaker ’88
Kelli Stein ’00
2017 Athletic Hall of Fame
Frank Biancone ’61
Football 1957-60
Baseball 1959-61
Bill Boyle ’70
Football 1968-69
Basketball 1968-70
Mike Durant ’88
Baseball 1986-88
Football 1986, 1988
Gracie Finnegan ’10
Swimming 2006-10
Dr. James Good
Team Doctor 1967-1985
Lerron Moore ’02
Football 2000-02
Michael Mulligan ’88
Baseball 1986-88
Basketball 1986-88
Andrew C. Theado ’97
Baseball 1995-97
Football 1994-96
2016 Athletic Hall of Fame
Front row, left to right: Lara Fyda Filia ’98 , Mike Golden, Katie Brosmer
Back row: Matt Pusateri ’00, Fritz Kaiser ’65, Scott Manahan, Shawn Rice ’97
Katie Brosmer
Head Coach Field Hockey 1976-1996
Softball and Track Coach
Lara Fyda Filia ’98
Field Hockey 1994-1997
Softball 1995-1997
Mike Golden
Head Football Coach 1989-2002
Asst. Football Coach 1981-1988
Fritz Kaiser ’65
Football 1961-1964
Basketball 1961-1965
Baseball 1962-1965
Scott Manahan
Head Baseball Coach
1991-2007, 2010-present
Matt Pusateri ’00
Football 1996-1999
Baseball 1997-2000
Wrestling 1996-1997
Shawn Rice ’97
Baseball 1994-1997
Football 1993-1996
Basketball 1993
2015 Athletic Hall of Fame
Phil Anglim ’77
Football 1974-76
Wrestling 1974-77
Dr. Elaine Binkley ‘03
Cross Country 1999-02
Track & Field 2000-03
Simba Hodari ’97
Football 1994-96
Baseball 1996-97
John Mahaney
Bishop Watterson’s #1 Fan
John Motil ’68
Football 1965-67
Baseball 1967-68
Basketball 1967-68
Al Washington ’02
Football 1998-01
Wrestling 1998
Track & Field 1999-02
2014 Athletic Hall of Fame
Janet Baird ’87
Field Hockey 1984-86,
Field Hockey Coach 1997-present
Daniel DeLucia ’03
Baseball 2000-03
Basketball 2000-03
Football 2000-02
Sister Sally Duffy
Girls’ Basketball Coach 1968-75, Softball Coach 1968-75
Field Hockey Coach 1971-75
Track and Field Coach 1972-75
Mike Hilliard ’67
Football 1963-1966
Wrestling 1963-67
Paul Pardi
Announcer for BWHS Home Football Games 1958-present
Mary Ellen Seidel ’77 O’Brien
Basketball, Softball, Field Hockey, Track, and Tennis
Msgr. Edward Spiers (posthumous)
Built BWHS and three Catholic High Schools in Columbus
First Principal of Bishop Watterson
Meg Uritus ’94 Zimpfer
Basketball 1990-94 and Soccer 1990-93*
2013 Athletic Hall of Fame
Virginia “Ginny” O’Connor
Volleyball Coach
Ron Shay
Football Coach/Administrator
John Durant
Football Coach
Baseball Coach
Tom Scholl
Athletic Director
Dick Walker
Football Coach
Msgr. Ken Grimes
Ralph Guarasci
Joe Hill
Joni Mazzola O’Connell
John “Jack” Dennis
John B. Schultheis Jr.
Richard “Dick” Thoma
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