College Athletic Eligibility
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
If an athlete intends to participate in Division I or II athletics as a freshman, the athlete must register and be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. The student athlete must register on line and send an official high school transcript. Fill out the form and include a parent and student signature, and turn the form into your counselor. Allow 10 school days for processing. Also, for NCAA Approved Core Courses, more information about the NCAA initial-eligibility requirements and application, please refer to the NCAA Web site at
On this website you can find:
- The Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete
- The Academic Certification Information
- Information about the recruiting process
- Contact information
NCAA wants to see your SAT or ACT scores. You must send your scores DIRECTLY to the NCAA Eligibility Center. When registering for these tests, make sure you add the NCAA code when choosing where you want your scores sent. The code is: 9999.
Bishop Watterson Athletic Eligibility
- Formal eligibility begins with the issuance of the interim report each quarter and proceeds weekly through the remainder of the quarter. On the week before the issuance of interim reports each quarter, students will be notified of their academic status concerning eligibility. Students found to be failing two or more subjects will have until the issuance of the interim report to work with teachers and their parents to bring failing grades up to a passing level.
- The principal will declare a student ineligible for one week if the student is failing (below 65) two or more classes. Academic eligibility is evaluated each week. An ineligible athlete will be notified by the Eligibility Coordinator and parents will be notified by letter that the athlete may not practice or compete for the given week, Tuesday through and including the following Monday.
- Student trainers are included in the definition of “athlete” at Bishop Watterson High School.
- Pass/Fail Policy: A student who fails two courses at the end of a quarter is ineligible for the entire following quarter. Grades received fourth quarter will impact a student’s eligibility for the first quarter in the fall.
- Minimum Grade Point Policy: A student must achieve a minimum 1.0 grade point average in a given quarter in order to participate in co-curricular activities. A student falling below the 1.0 G.P.A. in a given quarter will be ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities during the following quarter. Grades received fourth quarter will impact a student’s eligibility for the first quarter in the fall.