2024 Homecoming Honoree: Tom Tuohy

Our 2024 Homecoming Honoree is Tom Tuohy. Mr. Tuohy was recognized at a school assembly this morning, introduced by Student Council President Katie Carson and Vice President Connor Samenuk.
Katie: As you all know, Mr. Tuohy has been an integral part of Watterson- positively impacting every student he meets. Mr. Tuohy is from Southeastern Wisconsin, he has 2 kids, and 3 grandkids, and he was a teacher for 34 years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from Loyola University, a Jesuit College in Chicago, where he was on the track team, and a Bachelor of Science from THE Ohio State University. Mr. Tuohy started at Watterson in 1986 where he taught Chemistry, Biology, Earth and Space, Ecology, IPC, and Honors IPC. Mr. Tuohy was proud to have integrated some of our favorite science projects like the Newton Cars and the Element Posters. But, Mr. Tuohy didn’t only teach… he also knew how to have fun, and bring school spirit to the Bishop Watterson Community.
Connor: Some of his most fond memories of his time at Watterson, are when he would give raps during our Pep rallies, when he was King Triton in the Teacher’s version of Little Mermaid, when he was Doc twice in the Teacher’s version of West Side Story, when he won the best legs contest twice at two different pep rallies, and when he was runner up in a dance with the teachers competition. He also remembers when the Boys Cross Country team went to the state championships, where they ended up getting 5th place. He hyped up the boys, gave them a rap, and he made them feel more prepared and excited than ever. Although Mr. Tuohy has had many great memories and moments here at Watterson, his all time favorite memory is just being a Watterson teacher. Being able to stand in front of a class, interacting with students, and giving students recognition was something he will never forget. He says, “There’s no place better to be than a Watterson class”
Katie: Although Mr. Tuohy stopped teaching 4 years ago, he is still a huge part of Watterson! He is the Assistant Cross Country Coach, leaving his legacy by winning two High School records for Track and Field- the mile and two mile, and he also goes to as many Watterson sports and performing arts events that he can. Occam’s Razor says, “The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.”, which is a scientific rule that Mr. Tuohy lives by. And I think the simplest, and correct answer in this case, is that Mr. Tuohy is the perfect example of what it means to be a part of the Bishop Watterson Community.
Thank you to Mr. Tom Tuohy on your enthusiastic and continuous support of our Bishop Watterson Eagles!